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2004 Past Events
Butta-Flava Entertainment Official Website

BUTTA-FLAVA (Gazelle & Jug Honeyluv) Opens For The Black Eyed Peas in Manila!

2004 began as a continuation of the writing process for Jug and Gazelle.  Finishing touches for their upcoming R&B album (to be called, BUTTA-FLAVA 3:  R&B AURA), was underway when suddenly in March, they received a very important e-mail from the organizers of ONE WORLD BEAT, an annual global music festival which benefits different causes.  (For more information on One World Beat, visit www.oneworldbeat.org).


"Keep A Child Alive" was an honorable means for the ladies of BUTTA-FLAVA to begin their performances for 2004.  The charity concert featured most of Philippines' Hip Hop and R&B artists, which were brought together by Jug and Gazelle.

Proceeds of the mini-concert held at Culture Club in Libis, benefited children with Aids and H.I.V. The only one of its kind held in the Philippines, along with over 100 shows held simultaneously throughout the world, the event was a success!  It proved that despite the negative press Hip Hop artists receive from critics, musicians of any genre (including Rap, Hip Hop) can and will come together for the sake and benefit of the less fortunate. (For more information and photos on ONE HIP HOP:  KEEP A CHILD ALIVE benefit concert by Butta-Flava Entertainment, please visit www.urbanappeal.net).


The owners and managers of Culture Club and Blazin' 105.9FM were very impressed with the mini-concert.  Due to this, they offered the ladies a regular weekly spot at Culture Club.  This was a blessing not only for BUTTA-FLAVA, but also for the entire Philippine Hip Hop/R&B independent artists.  The regular gigs lasted for four months, beginning March 24 - July 15.  Open mic sessions were held weekly for upcoming Rap, Hip Hop and R&B artists.  Special scheduled performances for the signed artists as well took place.  It was a good 1st half for Pinoy Hip Hop and R&B independents!

More importantly, the owners of Culture Club and Blazin' 105.9FM were so impressed with Gazelle and Jug's music and performance at the "Keep A Child Alive" mini-concert that they immediately offered the R&B/Hip Hop duo a spot at the "Island Flava", Black Eyed Peas' concert which was held at the CCP Open Ground on May 29, 2004.  BUTTA-FLAVA was one of the opening acts for the event! The duo lived up to the expectations of the owners and managers that night.  They were even more impressed with the ladies' performance!     


In addition, more exciting for BUTTA-FLAVA, was the immediate reaction of the Black Eyed Peas' manager.  As soon as the duo was done performing, B.E.P.'s manager, Mr. Polo Molina, hurriedly approached Jug Honeyluv and Gazelle, shook their hands, congratulated them, gave wonderful compliments and introduced himself.  A few moments later, Mr. Molina approached B.E.P. main man, Will.I.Am and introduced the duo to him, gave wonderful compliments and eventually left a message for Dj Rocky Rock, one of the concert's organizers.  The message was:  "Please tell Butta-Flava to submit to me a profile."  At the moment, BUTTA-FLAVA's cd sampler is with Mr. Polo Molina.  The duo is happily and excitingly waiting.....:-)


At the moment, Jug and Gazelle are busy writing new material and recording the finishing touches of their upcoming album, BUTTA-FLAVA 3:  R&B AURA.  They hope to get signed with a major label soon.

Copyright 2001-2005 Butta-Flava Entertainment, BFE Recordings, and Pinay Buttaz Productions All Rights Reserved by the Owner and Webmaster